
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Positively Polished - 30 Manis Marathon #3


I am NOT friends with yellow this week! ::harumph:: It did not want to cooperate at was quite ridiculous. I started out with five different shades of yellow that I planned on using, then I painted my main color on, then started striping with the other yellows...and...and....well.....let's just say my face did not look amused. Neither did my nails for that matter! So out came the nail polish remover and I went at it again, this time, only with 3 colors. Once again....utter fail. ::le sigh::

I FINALLY cut it down to two colors and voila! My yellow mani for the 30 Manis Marathon was finally done! WHEW! There were no words for how ridiculous it was, it's a good thing I didn't have to go anywhere today because it literally took ALL DAY LONG, oh the drama! I was vacuuming the house with one hand while the other dried just so I wasn't wasting the whole day away sitting and polishing. I even decided to take my curtains down and wash them. Yup, one handed. It's amazing the great lengths we ladies will go through to not ruin a mani. ::wink wink::

If you haven't heard of the 30 Manis Marathon, as most of you are brand new to The Charming Cheshire blog, I won't go into specific details since I already did in the first two manis, but long story short: 

We complete 30 Manis total, following the list shown above! The challenge is similar to the 31 Day Nail Challenge except we don't complete a mani every day, we update and redo our nails every 3-4 days! That way we can have time to enjoy each mani, plus, well heavens...we are working gals! I just wouldn't be able to do this unless I did three manis in one day, then took pictures and just spaced them out for each day....which I won't do, the OCD Cookie inside of me won't let me do that, I'd feel like I'm cheating! ::giggles::  

We can relax, leisurely complete our manis, share the pics on Instagram (hashtag: 30manis2013), post on Makeuptalk in the 30 Manis Marathon thread, blog about it, etc. And of COURSE we want all of you to join along! Doesn't matter if you're behind a few manis, you can catch on up, or just start where we are now!

On to the polishes I used!.....

 From Left to Right:
  • OPI - Oy-Another Polish Joke!
  • Julep - Blake
  • Bondi New York - I'm Vers 

I applied 1 coat of I'm Vers as my base, then two coats of Julep's Blake as my base color. Then I used striping tape to line horizontal and vertical lines on each nail, starting with the top horizontal lines, afterwards painting on two coats of the OPI Oy-Another Polish Joke!, then letting it get tacky before pulling off the tape. I let that dry for a few minutes then I put on the vertical lines to the end of my nail, and again painted on two coats of the OPI, let it get tacky, then pulled them off. I finished everything with one coat of I'm Vers!

If some of you have never heard of striping tape, it's very handy dandy thin ribbon tape that can either be used IN your manicure or to create stripes in your polish like I did. I bought mine off of Amazon, here is the link:

They're VERY inexpensive, this particular set of 10 rolls of 10 different colors (each about 24" long) is only $0.27 (plus tax, shipping)! Crazy cheap, right? It's an excellent starter set, which is why I bought it. This is actually my first time to USE striping tape! Before I was just using french tip mani tape that came in a Sally Hansen French Tip set. I really love the striping tape though, it's easy to manage for me, it's sticky so it doesn't slide around or accidentally lift off the nail while you're trying to polish AND it doesn't peel polish off when you remove it!...So fab!

Well that is it for the 3rd mani! The fourth mani - GREEN - should be up around Wednesday, so keep checking in! Also, just a heads up, I've updated my first post announcement of the 30 Manis Marathon to include the timeline for all of the is the link:


Happy Makeuping Polishing! 



  1. okay, seriously this is gorgeous! why aren't you getting 500 comments on this?!?! <3

    1. Hahaha, aw thank you! and I DON'T KNOW! LOL It's baffling! ::blushes::
