
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Positively Polished - Ft. Bondi New York

LE CHAT NOIR COQUIN ("The Rascally Black Cat")

Oh yes, Cookie has finally brought her fingernails out of hiding just long enough to bring you...well....the most FABULOUS of nail polishes, but what has to be the silliest of manis on her blog of all time (yes, the entire few months that it has been up, don't you know!). This little darling was the result of 5 out of 10 fingernails breaking, absolute drama that occurred as a result, the hiding of said fingernails until they could be regrown....then....the purchase of the most gloriously beautiful polishes - Bondi New York - the ABSOLUTE NEED to try on these polishes, then a fun little late night of playing around with dotting tools and brushes. Here is the result - 

 The Rascally Black Cat!

My Hubsters reminded me just the other day that it was very unusual for The Charming Cheshire (moi) to not have actually DONE a cheshire or cat mani yet! Quite right, my dear! This a bit of a disaster in my opinion. I was completely just doodling around since I've never tried to paint an animal on my nails and it came out a bit rough and gruff looking but I just fell in love with my funny little paw prints and when I showed a friend of mine, she said it looked like he walked in soot! So I ran with that idea and thus....Rascally Black Cat! This is my little trouble-maker feline who obviously wanted to ruin my gorgeously painted nails. So I started a day before that by putting on two coats of what has the been the easiest polish formula I've used to date....Bondi New York's Fuschia-istic!

 If you haven't had a chance to catch up on my love affair with Bondi, please do...they are the most fantastic company with beautiful 5 Free polishes and the most wonderful customer service! They are also starting up a Nail Polish Subscription Box next month! The sign up for this begins today, as a matter of a fact ::celebrate! throws confetti!:: and yes, I shall definitely be signing can check out my article on that awesome little beauty news here:

For my mani, I used their I'm Vers clear polish as my bottom coat. It went on smoothly, and flowed over the nail nicely. The consistency was excellent, and it was thin to where it didn't feel gloopy (I don't know if that's a real word, but just go with it, I'm sure you get my visual!) but not too thin to where you might feel that you need a 2nd coat. Drying time was excellent! It took about 5 minutes before all tackiness was completely gone and I could proceed with the color! 

I then applied two coats of Fuschia-istic. I BARELY needed two coats. One coat almost gave me the coverage I needed! The color is a beautiful and brightly vivid solid fuschia. (Obviously, if you couldn't quite tell by the awesome name). I absolutely HAVE to tell you what Bondi's website says about the polish:

 "Your future's so bright that you gotta wear this shade. Fuschia is all the rage amongst the sexiest of cyborgs - so stay two steps ahead of the style trend. No Delorean required." - from 

I may or may not have bought this polish purely because of the Delorean remark. ::looks away nonchalantly:: 

The application for Fuschia-istic is fabulous! It's smooth, doesn't bubble or thinly leak towards the cuticles on the edges when brushing on. No problems with streaks or unevenness after full application on first coat. The 2nd coat just gave it a bright pop of color and made it stand out more (plus deepened the color on the edge where it was just the slightest bit lighter and easier to see through). Drying time was very short as well, possibly 10 minutes for all tackiness to harden. Excellent polish!

I finished it up with another coat of I'm Vers (YES it can be used as a top and bottom coat! HELLO fabulous multi-tasker!) As a top coat, the application was just as nice as bottom. I've been wearing this mani for at least 3 days and I haven't had any chips at all, including tip wear and tear! It's a fairly shiny top coat, but not overly so and I had no trouble with color polish shrinkage underneath or any bubbling. Definitely one of the best top coats I've ever tried.  

GO and check out Bondi, you'll thank me later. Tell them you LOVE Fuschia-istic from Le Chat Noir Coquin and you MUST have it at once ::wink wink:: 

I should have some amazing and fun 4th of July looks (and hopefully another mani!) coming out today or tomorrow! Stay tuned and enjoy!

Happy Makeuping & Polishing!       

Love, Cookie


  1. I definitely want to check out Bondi, they had a great promotion for buy one get one free but I'm trying to minimize my polish spending at the moment. I think this is a great colour though and an amazing manicure. That little cat is SO cute. your nails are gorgeous and I hope you'll share more manicures now that you feel like they can be presented :D

    1. Thank you! I definitely will try LOL Poor lil nails

  2. ADORABLE cookie! One of my friends is obsessed with cats she would LOVE this manicure I think I will send her the link :)

  3. Very pretty color and adorable design! At first, I thought the cat was a sticker, so I think you did a great job! :)

    ☮ Melli { Casual Beauty }
