
Friday, February 28, 2014

Starlooks - February 2014


We are ALL so intrigued by the future...what will the world be like? What will beauty be like? What will the hairstyles, makeup and clothing be like? What do you think? 

Starlooks says futuristic makeup is IN right now! Did you get a chance to see their February Looks Book for this month's Starbox? Here's the link to my post for it if you want to check out their model Sneak Peek photos for this month's products!:

"Metallics, geometrics, holographics, and accelerated movement toward ultimate simplicity are “in”. This Starbox gives you a taste of all this, and dares you to embrace the inevitable… the future." -

LOVING the looks! Edgy, chic and almost a mix between retro and futuristic. Beautiful! Here is what I received this month!...

Two eye products, a lipstick, a headband and the quartz crystal

OOoooooooo, ahhhhhhhh....gotta love Starlooks packaging! I'm also superdupes excited that I got my first loyalty perk! Every three months of continuous Starbox subscribing you receive $35 off at Starlook's website. How's that for awesome? Can't wait to go and peruse all the goodies! Until then...let's jump into this box's review....

in Hologram

"A brand new, STARBOX Exclusive eye product! This fabulous creamy shadow formula is light, yet buildable, for a customizable depth and shade. Applies smoothly using either your finger or a concealer brush. The color you received (either "Hologram", "Phaser", "Warp", or "Core") is the perfect base or pop of shimmer, for any winter/spring eye look." - February 2014 Starbox card

This shadow is sooooo gorgeous to look at. I know it looks a bit boring and yellow-nude from here, but wait until I show you what it looks like when you turn it and hold it in the light...

WHOA. Right? Fabulousness. It's a nude that has gorgeous shifts of gold, light pink, a little dark pink in some shadowing and can even look pale grey-blue in certain lights. 

It's extremely subtle on my skin tone, especially blended. In the light you can just see a lightly colored frosty shimmer that can very lightly pick up colors around it. It's not incredibly buildable, those five swipes (that were pretty thick) show it at it's deepest shade.

As far as it's formula, it is VERY creamy and easily blendable, however, it's a bit hard to layer since it's so creamy and not brightly pigmented. My only major complaint with it is that, unfortunately, because it's so creamy, it does crease, and fairly badly if you try to wear it any thicker than just a thin blended layer. Because of that, the only way I'd be happy wearing it is either lightly dabbed in the inner corners of my eyes or right below my eyebrows to pick up the light a bit. I definitely wouldn't wear it as a base, as I don't feel it set well enough.

Such a shame it slides, I would really have loved to try out the other shades they offer! I'll certainly be using this for a eye highlighting product though! Also, I think it'd be pretty lightly dabbed over a darker base color! 

in Lilu

"STARLOOKS' lipstick formula is super moisturizing and long lasting! The color you received ("Lilu", "BFF", or "Drew") can stand alone as it's own edgy shade, can be paired with any bold lip color to give it that extra metallic boost or can be used as a highlighter to create the perfect ombre lip!" - February 2014 Starbox card

I LOVE their classic lipsticks! I've yet to be disappointed by one! This is definitely a lip shade I have never tried before or have ever had in my makeup stash.

Lilu is one of their satin finish lipsticks, although to me this comes off much more like a frost. It's a golden nude that has a slight pink undertone. 

It's a very subtle shade, with a ton of frostiness. I definitely agree with Starlooks, it's very edgy worn by itself, but worn over a richer, pigmented color, it's BA-BAM! Look at ma' lips! So gorgeous. Because of it's highlighting frostiness, this can be worn in the center of the lips as well.

The longevity of it is fantastic. I had full shine for about 4 hours after application and it even hung around at the 7 hour mark. By the end of the day I still noticed a bit of frostiness still lingering on my lips, but thank goodness, it didn't smudge or smear off during wear. It does set a bit after application and dry out some, but I just lightly dabbed on some lip balm during the day if I felt my lips needed it.

I think it's a fun shade, definitely something different to have around and use with other products, trying out different combinations and things. I don't have a lip photo for you, but I am wearing it in the Finale, so keep on reading!....

in Wall Street

"Create an amazingly deep, metallic smokey eye with the lusciously formulated pigment color you received (either "Tungsten" or "Wall Street"). A little of this extremely pigmented shadow goes a very long way, so be sure to apply sparingly, until you reach your preferred color depth. Can also be mixed with STARLOOKS Eye Primer to create a creamy eye liner!" - February 2014 Starbox card

I LOOOOOVE their pigments! Love them! I have a few myself, some I received in previous Starboxes and some I purchased from their website. I don't have this one though, and wait till you see it...

The packaging is a cylindrical jar with a twist off cap, and as you can see it only has a small round opening in which the product comes out from. My ONLY complaint with the packaging is that I usually like to disperse a loose pigment such as this, right into the cap, then use a brush to swirl or dab into it but with this jar design, I can't. The inside of the cap has a small extruded circle that fits inside the product opening so when you screw the cap on it provides a tight seal preventing the product from falling out. If I tap any of the pigment into the cap, then when I put the cap back on, it will get all over the plastic top around the opening, and eventually just everywhere in general. The best way I found to use this instead is by lightly tapping some on the back of my hand and using a brush from there. Of course, this means I have to wash my hands thoroughly afterwards, since, I one wants to know why I have glittery black powder all over them ::giggles::

Couldn't you just die? HOW PRETTY IS THIS!? It is a gorgeous frosty black powder with silver shimmer dispersed throughout. It is PIGMENTED. When they say a little goes a long way, I mean, hello, look at that! The bottom swatch is one swipe! Blended it's a bit patchy and slightly dry, but definitely still workable. The black isn't as pigmented, but the silver shimmer shows up really well regardless. I'd say if you're going to blend it out, use a good base. My favorite way to use this pigmented, I found, is over a black base like NYX's Jumbo Pencil in Black Bean. So gorgeous. The silver shimmer really pops!

Because it's a loose pigment, it can get seriously messy, so it's best to work slow, take your time and blend carefully. If you can place anything under your eyes to catch fall-out, like cotton pads cut in half, a card, tissue, etc., I'd say do it! Used with a good primer and a good setting spray I had absolutely no fall-out during the day and very minimal smudging. Nothing that a quick fix with a Q-tip couldn't help. My eyes love to smudge my shadow, though, so if you never have any problems with smudging you may not get any at all with this product. 

SO happy to add this to my makeup stash!



"Surprise! You no longer have to struggle with your hair when applying your makeup - use the convenient nylon headband we have included in your STARBOX to keep your luscious locks out of your face while you doll up that beautiful face of yours!" - February 2014 Starbox card

Haha, two things came to mind immediately upon receiving this....for some reason "When did the 90s come back?!" was the first and the second was: "Must subs send me headbands?". Unfortunately this product was a complete miss for me. I don't pull back my hair while doing my makeup mainly because I'm letting it air dry before styling it so I have to keep my bangs down or else they'll dry all wonky (yes, I said wonky, hush). I also have soooo many headband (albeit, not a nylon one) that I'm just headbanded out. I never wear them outside the house, not even to work out, so I can't say I need another. I'll probably be gifting this to a friend!


1) Cream Shadow in Hologram (0.12 oz) - $12

2) Lipstick in Lilu (0.13 oz) - $12

3) Pigment in Wall Street (0.09 oz) - $17

4) Nylon Headband - $0.50*

Total Paid for Box:  $17.68 ($15 monthly fee + shipping)

Total Worth of Box:  $41.50

A little more than double of what I paid, I am quite happy with the worth of my box! I certainly would pay those amounts for the lipstick and pigment, although the cream shadow wasn't my favorite, but even without it, I'm getting more worth than what I paid! The lipstick alone pretty much covers it! (*I guessed at the price of the headband based off of prices of similar items online). 


I wanted to go for a blend of modern and futuristic. Something that is juuuust beyond every day wear, but not overly so for those who aren't afraid to makeup outside the box!

I wanted to go for something a little more angled looking, so I drew some inspiration from 60's cat-eyes and lifted the shadowing and line up a bit.

I used the cream shadow all over my eyelid and into the inner eyes as well. You can see it best in this photo, picking up the light on the inner corners. It's very close to my skin tone, as I said, so it's not very colorful, but I do love the way it shines in the light! I'm wearing the lipstick, Lilu, by itself without any color underneath. It makes me look super pale, but I kind of like the effect for this futuristic look! Because my lips are naturally so pink, it does have good shading in the shadows, though. If bright light isn't hitting the color, it looks like a dark pink frost at times.

I blended Wall Street over my top lashes as liner, then extended it out to a wing, angled up towards the ends of my eyebrows, then turned it back in blending in in an arch above my crease. I also pulled a little in under the outer 1/3 of my bottom lashes so I wouldn't look top lid heavy.

VOILA! The headband! Haha, did you think I was going to go through a Finale and NOT use everything? Tsk, tsk. I'm such a bangs girl, though, that I couldn't bring myself to pull them back. 

Well that's it for January's Starlooks Starbox review! I hope you enjoyed it! Thinking of trying out Starlooks Starbox for youself? Please do use my referral code to sign up! Just CLICK HERE and it'll get you started! For every sign up with my referral code, I get a free gift box! If you sign up for Starlooks Starbox you can share your personal referral code for a customizable gift box as well!

Starlooks Starbox is a monthly beauty subscription box for $15 plus $2.68 for domestic USPS First Class shipping. Each monthly box contains 3-4 FULL SIZED pieces of Starlooks brand makeup plus some fun little beauty extras! Past Starboxes are also available for purchase for $25 each while quantities last. Starlooks also gives their subscribers a free Birthday Box ALONG with the monthly Starbox during the subscribers birthday month! What are you waiting know you want to sign up ::wink wink::

Happy Makeuping! (in the past, present and future!)



  1. Woah, very nice and dramatic look.
    I love the cream shadow!

  2. That headband looks so great on you!

    1. Thank you very much, Abby! Haha, it's so funny that since I never ever wear them my Hubby was like: "What IS that on your head? Is that a....a...headband?! That's so strange looking!" LOL

  3. I got the same exact box except my headband was khaki. I'm also fair-light skinned, but i loved the cream shadow in hologram! I've been using it as a base either with our with out their clear eye primer which is one of my all time favorites! I've had no problems with creasing sliping even with the 80+ deg weather in way too sunny drought ridden southern California! Both the cream shadow and wall street pigment seem to have glitter/shimmer that shifts in the light. The pigment was my least favorite as i never use black shadow as it always makes me look like i have a black eye! I'll try using it both wet and dry as eyeliner. While I dislike the lilu lipstick on its own (washes me out way too much) it works layered over a darker lipstick color quite well. I love layering powder shadow over the cream one and have found it easily last until i decide to take it off!i really hope that they will post all the sages of the website either separately and/or as a trio to supplement the ones i didn't receive. Just "talking out loud" it would be great if they sold a companion trio set for like $32 which is slightly less than the $12 retail price on the card since these shadows will be staying as s Starbox exclusive for the time being :-/
    Anyways, happy blogging!

    1. I've yet to try their eye primer, but I heard it's the bombdiggity from so many people! Definitely on my must-try list. I bet the two formulas just work well together :-D I totally agree with Lilu over a darker lipstick, it's absolutely divine! I wore it lightly dabbed over a raspberry colored lippy the other day and it was amazing! Thanks for stopping by and sharing! <3
