
Sunday, January 12, 2014

January REVEAL - Starlooks

for JANUARY 2014

Whoooooo is ready for some Starlook's Looks Book I Spy?! Haha, I love it! In fact, I just downloaded an I Spy app on my iPhone last night because I seriously love that game. When my folks used to go to the wholesale store when I was little I would grab a bunch of the I Spy books and lounge out on some of the couches they had for sale there and just go through the books while my folks shopped! ::giggles:: 

For the new year, Starlooks is ready to renew and start fresh!


"Time to drink a cup of kindness for Auld Lang Syne and start a’new – with a fresh body, a fresh mind, and a fresh face. This month is a very special one, as we all have the opportunity to take a deep look into ourselves, say goodbye to the things we want to change, and welcome new transformations and goals. Starlooks encourages you to add our motto to your list of resolutions this January - Surprise Yourself.

 Don’t hit the snooze button. Wake up in time to enjoy a cup-o-joe. Take a moment to notice what a beautiful winter day it is outside. Take the time to make yourself look and feel as gorgeous on the outside as you are on the inside. And before you head out to start your day, try that new, unused eye shadow, lipstick, liner, or piece of makeup you never thought you could pull off, and watch the heads turn and the complements flow… you won’t regret it, we promise ;)" - from

Are you relaxed yet? Haha, I totally want a cup o' tea now! So this Looks Book is HARD to decipher! Let's see...this is what I'm seeing...

  • Lashes - maybe mascara?
  • Matte skin - powder, primer or mattifier?
  • Nude lips
  • Clean Fresh Skin - random guess skin product?

Like I said, this one is HARD! What are things you're seeing? What do you think about this month's Starbox? Are you subscribed to this month's box?

Happy Makeuping and I-Spying!



  1. like your guesses! I was thinking the eyelashes... Maybe an eye liner... I'm hoping for a neutral pallet of some sort. I'll take her legs too. I wish mine looked like hers! Tan in January? Haha. Not over here. Can't wait to get our boxes! Maybe another week?


    1. Hahaha, right?! Those legs! Especially in those adorable lace shorts <3 Hopefully the boxes will ship soon!

  2. This is my second month getting a box and I got the other one for Christmas. When do you normally get them? I keep googling to see if anyone has got them and nothing. I'm so excited!!

    1. They typically go out the third week of each month so hopefully we'll be seeing some shipping notices this week! :-D

  3. I recently found software that helped me to learn about my daughter's problems, which she hid from me I advise everyone, as you can never predict what's going on in the mind of a teenager.
