
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Positively Polished - 30 Manis Marathon #15


I am BACK with the 30 Manis Marathon! You seriously would not believe what I have been doing that just wrecked my nails...making butterflies out of hangers, netting and glitter. I kid you not! Haha! The ballet studio I work at is having an end of the year Holiday Show so I've been working nonstop on props, scenery, etc. (whilst choreographing/teaching) and with all of the hands-on work, my nails....well....went to ruin for a bit. They were SO short! You think my nails in the picture above are short for me? Yeeeeeah, they were shorter than that! I kept putting off doing a mani until they grew out more because I had a fabulous design in mind that needed longer nails, however, so much time has gone by I decided to go in a different direction and try out a different style nail! Believe it or not this pattern was the very first stamping design I ever tried once I first purchased my stamping supplies and it was a DISASTER. I tried it for about 3 hours (I know, right?!) and nothing worked! Over time and after practice I finally got a step up on the technique and I am super stoked to say that I did this stamping in about..oh....5 minutes! ::squeal!:: When it doubt, practice, practice, practice and try different ways to do pays off in the end!

 Here are the polishes I used....

From Left to Right:

  • Konad - Special Polish in White
  • Essie - Matte About You matte topcoat
  • Sation Nail Lacquer - Love at First Byte

Not Shown: Nail Tek - Intensive Therapy II (basecoat)

For this mani I used Nail Tek Intensive Therapy II as a base (I am LOVING this stuff! I've been using it for a week and it's definitely been helping my poor nails), then four coats of Love at First Byte as my main color. It's a very thin polish, and even with four coats it isn't completely opaque. If you look close you can still see the whites of my nail tips. BUT, the polish is so fantastic to apply, it's not streaky at all, and it glides on smooth, evening itself out quickly. For the design I used two stamping plates along with Konad's Special White Polish...

Bundle Monster
Plate BM06

I used the pattern on the bottom for my pointer, ring and pinky finger (I flipped it upside down). 

Bundle Monster

I used the pattern on the top right (minus the tiny cotton ball bundle on the top left corner of the design) for my middle finger. 

I finished everything all up with a single coat of Essie's Matte About You matte topcoat for a soft finish. 

Please oh please let there be no more nail breaking! Haha, I want to get on with these fun manis! Next up is Tribal Print!

Happy Makeuping and Polishing!



  1. this is so pretty! you really did do an amazing job stamping, this is super complicated for a first design but it definitely seems like you have it under control now :) I hope your end of year show goes well!

    1. Thank you very much, haha, leave it to me to go complicated right off the bat LOL And the show went great, thanks for your well wishes :-D

  2. Wow this is so pretty, it looks amazing! xx

  3. Cool, looks like the old cameo jewelry.

    1. You know, I totally didn't think of that, but it really does, doesn't it? :-D Thanks!
