
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Positively Polished - 30 Manis Marathon #10


As of this mani, I am only three manis behind now! Huzzah! Ok, well, I shall catch up! Yesterday was an excellent start to my week, so I'm feeling confident and motivated to get some stuff done! The past few weeks have thrown me for a bit of a loop! I know some of you are probably thinking....Cookie, your Rainbow Mani WAS a gradient, why didn't just you that?! ::ahem:: What can I say? I love to make life difficult ::coughcoughcheatingcough:: ::grin:: Haha, I jest, I jest. No, honestly, I've actually had this mani in mind for quite some time and I really wanted to put it to the test. When I think of bright gradients, I think of sunrises or sunsets, so what better way to play off one than add in a contrasting and classic cityscape? I LOVE cityscapes! My living room, in fact, is a black and white with teal accents modern cityscape theme. I have modern black and white architectural artwork, along with a bar that has a black cityscape decal on the wall above a shelf with rows of martini, champagne and cocktail glasses sitting in front of it to make it look like the glasses are part of the buildings. I also have a huge round charcoal rug with a light grey eiffel tower on it. Did I mention I love cityscapes? (Are you sick of it yet?)....and metal framework building statues (1' tall) vertically shelved on 1' x 1' shelves one above the other up the wall......ok, now I'm done. I know it seems very edgy and cold, but I soften it all up with teal velvety curtains, teal velvety throw pillows, a soft teal rug under the coffee table and a teal plush blanket drapped on the couch to snuggle with. Did I mention I love teal as well? already guessed as much....heehee. 

Here are the polishes I used for this mani!....

From Left to Right:

        • Bondi New York - Fuschia-istic
        • Bondi New York - Uptown Girl
        • Bondi New York - Blue Skies
        • China Glaze - Frostbite 
        • OPI - Black Onyx
        • NailGirls Colour - White#1

Not Shown: Bondi New York - I'm Vers (base & topcoat)

I followed the same basic pattern as the Rainbow coat of I'm Vers for a base, then two coats of White#1 for my base color. Then I used a makeup sponge (Ulta brand) for the gradient....

Swiping across each color two times before applying the first time, I used Frostbite for the top, Blue Skies under that, Uptown Girl and Fuschia-istic for the bottom. Unfortunately, I forgot how short my nails are and didn't realize how much the building would eventually cover up Fuschia-istic. Next time, I'd definitely pull that color up higher. 

I then used a small detail brush to apply Black Onyx for the buildings, just randomly selecting heights, etc. as I went along. Once that dried I used my tiniest dotting tool to apply the white dots for lighted windows on the buildings with White#1. I finished it all up with I'm Vers as a topcoat!

Just reached the end of COLORS and we'll now be moving on to PATTERNS next time with the first patterned mani: POLKA DOTS!

Happy Makeuping and Polishing!

Just a reminder! I'm having a giveaway to celebrate reaching 300 Facebook Fans as well as passing my 100th Blog Post! Enter now to win a 6 month subscription to Bondi New York's Bondi Box!

Click HERE to go to the giveaway page and enter! The giveaway ends October 8th, 2013


  1. beautiful manicure!
    Judit kiss

  2. This is so cute! For some reason it reminds me of the show Sex and the City and New York. You have become so great with nail art!

    1. OOoooo, I LOVE that show! Maybe that's where my inspiration came from! LOL It just magically popped into my head :-D and thank you very much for the compliment, you're so sweet!

  3. The colors are so gorgeous! I love it!!
