
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October REVEAL - Ipsy


Can you BELIEVE October is here already? I had the craziest conversation with my Hubsters yesterday...I've been dying to get some pumpkins to put on our porch and every time we went to the store and would pass them by I'd say: Hey! Let's get some! and he'd say: Nope, not till October, let's wait till October. So I waited....then yesterday we just happened to go to the store again and I said: Imma get a punkin! (yes, yes I call it punkin) and he said: Noooo, not till October. Then I popped out with: That's tomorrow. His face was PRICELESS...complete disbelief! I'm sure you know exaaaactly what I'm talking about, time is crazy!....and no, I didn't get one. THppt! 

To the Ipsy sneak peeks!.....


"All subscribers will receive one of these museum-worthy products in a precious shade!" - from Ipsy's Facebook

If you love polish, you KNOW what these are...


There are three polishes shown in this pic, a blue, green and appears that they may be from the Cashmeres and Satins Fall 2013 Collection....they look very similar to these three shades:


(picture from


(picture from


(picture from

From the wording of the sneak peek, we know that EVERYONE will be receiving a polish, which I am STOKED about because I really don't have a color too similar to these three colors! Plus I love myself some polish! Now, as far as the theme...key words are "museum-worthy" and "precious", so I'm thinking there are going to be some gorgeous rich jewel-tones in this bag and maybe an art-piece bag theme? Artistic?

and here is Sneak Peek #2!......


"It's easy to create timeless works of art when you have these products at your fingertips. Some of our subscribers will receive at least one of these products in their October Glam Bag!" - from Ipsy's Facebook

Once again, we hear an artistic theme!

We have Five products shown in the picture, but it looks like six swatches/dabs of product on the palette. From the wording, it's difficult to understand how these will be divided in Glam Bags. First it says "Some", as well as "at least one". So it doesn't sound particularly guaranteed that we all will be receiving at least one. Or perhaps you might receive more than one of the items. Very confusing!....let's look at each!

 Mystery Item #1 - top right corner

EDIT 10/5: Given more information (my thanks to GlamNailz for the heads up hint!) and some more research, it's appearing that this actually may be a different product other than OCC Lip Tar! below for more info....

It LOOKS so much like  

Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics 
Lip Tar

Role Play
Deep maroon with red pearl
 (Image deleted)

Deep burgundy 
(Image deleted)

I think these are the closest colors it looks like, ESPECIALLY Vintage, it looks very similar to it.

 HOWEVER, the writing in the sneak peek picture appears to be white, which throws me off somewhat because the OCC Lip Tars have black lettering. Even tube that has a lip smear application instead of the tube which requires a brush to apply looks to have black lettering....

(picture from

But perhaps they are slightly adjusted for the Glam Bag, perhaps the back lettering is white or perhaps it isn't OCC Lip Tar at all! We shall see!

Now it appears that this is NOT in fact the OCC Lip Tar, but it seems that it's matching this product instead! -

in Flushed

Flushed looks to be the closest match to the sneak peek image. The white lettering also matches much better than the OCC Lip Tars, but it's hard to have full confirmation without seeing a match for the back of the tube, which seems hard to locate without looking at the bottle itself! Hopefully, I can pop by a Target soon and see if they have this product in the Pixi Beauty section!

Mystery Item #2 - bottom center

This looks VERY familiar to me and since Ipsy has been repeating some items in the past Glam Bags from months before, I'm pretty confident that this is:


in Tipsy (left) and Tickle Me Pink (right)

If you look at the palette, it appears that the end of the pencil shown is in Tipsy, and that there are swatches of both Tipsy (near pencil) AND Tickle Me Pink above it to the right. I don't see a swatch for the third pencil that had gone out in the June Glam Bag, Starlooks Lip Pencil in Bare. However, there were a lot of negative criticism for that particular shade, so Ipsy may have chosen not to send it out again or perhaps they just didn't have that many but still some of Tipsy and Tickle Me Pink!

Mystery Item #3 - left side of palette

Once again, it's another very familiar looking brand that's been featured in a previous Glam Bag but this time this particular color has NOT been sent out yet!


Here are the two shades that I think this looks similar to and may be:


(picture from


(picture from

Both are absolutely stunning and I'm so sad I received a Mica Beauty Mineral Eyeshadow a few months ago because I think then I may not receive this one!

Mystery Item #4 - top left

Thanks to the ladies at, they've done some fab sleuthing and have come up with this possible match!....


Just in September the brand created a product page on Ipsy (but no individual products are listed yet) so it's any guess as to what exact product it might be since many look very similar but here are few....

Night Oasis Oxygenating Rejuvenator 

(picture from

Face Oasis Ultra Hydrator

(picture from

and they also featured this particular product earlier today on their Facebook page:

Oasis Overnight Eye Complex

(picture from

Once I hear more or get confirmation, I'll be sure to update!

Mystery Item #5 - top center-right

This item, unfortunately, is still a mystery! It appears to be a lotion or cream of some sort, but I'll check in and update once I hear more!

UPDATE 10/2 

Hello again! I'm back today with another Sneak Peek from Ipsy's Facebook!


"All subscribers will receive at lease one of these products, which are well-suited for making a big, bold statement!" 

Given the "big, bold" part, I'm preeeeetty sure I know exactly what brand this is....


Hard to say for sure, but the coloring of the bottles look spot on with Big Sexy Hair, especially from their two lines - Big Sexy Hair and Style Sexy Hair

Here is Style Sexy Hair's lineup -

Which contains:
(From Left to Right)
    • Blow It Up - Volumizing Gel
    • Spray Clay - Texturizing Finish Spray
    • Play Dirty - Dry Wax
    • Molding Paste - Flexible Sculpting Paste
    • Slept In - Texture Creme
    • Hard Up - Hard Holding Gel
    • Shaping Creme - Pliable Shaping Creme
    • Control Maniac - Styling Wax
    • Frenzy - Matte Texturing Paste
 Given the shape of the black bottle in the Sneak Peek picture, my best guess is that it's one of the 4 underlined products above since they're similar in shape. 
As for the red bottle in the Sneak Peek picture, here is the only item that appears to be similar! -
Blow Dry Volumizing Gel

and this is what the travel-size looks like:

 Which appears to be a VERY similar match! What do YOU think?!


Hello again! I have SO many updates for you since I've been a bit MIA for a few days. This girl has been crazy busy! From Ipsy's Facebook!....

"Some of our subscribers will get the chance to release their inner artist with the help of at least one of these colorful products."

Above you can actually see 4 products along with a polished finger holding a wipe of some sort at the top center. Here are the four products I'm seeing...

Mystery Item #1 - top right corner

As you can tell by the applicator, this appears to be a lip gloss! It also looks very similar to the brand:


 (Image from

Here is what the sample size for this color and product looks like:

(Image from

If you'll notice, the silver band at the top of the tube seems to match, as well as the brush applicator cap shape. As far as the color, it seems that Dolly is the closest match to the Sneak Peek Image.

Mystery Item #2 - bottom left corner

I recognized this product right away, since they've sent out the same brand (but different specific product) earlier this year in the Glam Bags!


If you look at the bottom corner in the sneak peek you can see the image of the tree! Also, the design of the swirl on the bottom right edge of the purple packaging. The wipes that were sent out months ago were a travel packet of 8 wipes, so I'm assuming they are going to be the same number in this packet as well.

Mystery Item #3 - upper left side

Quite obviously, a dome makeup brush! Hard to tell exactly what brand, but I'm going to guess that it's a brand that I'm quite familiar with and even OWN this particular brush so it appears to be exactly the same!....

Dome Brush

 (Image from

The coloring of the bristles looks a tad different which doesn't have me completely convinced, but it looks SO much like the brush I have at home AND if you check out you can see they seem to be featuring Ipsy quite a bit!

Mystery Item #4 - top left corner

Given the shape of the compact and the colors, it appears that this item is:

in Desert Festival

I know the coloring seems a tad off, but if you Google this compact, you'll see under different lighting, the red shade can look quite bright. Also, if you click on and enlarge my sneak peek picture above, you can see the lines going through the shadow just like the actual product!

aaaaaaaaaand, I have more Sneak Peeks for you!

From Ipsy's Facebook:


"Some of our subscribers will receive one of these products, which are each perfect for prepping a blank canvas."

The minute I saw this picture, I knew right away what the product is...there's no mistaking that orange hue! It's....


I believe the small bottle on the left is:

Truth Serum Collagen Booster
(Image from

Here is what a sample size looks like for this product, which appears to be an exact match for the product in the Sneak Peek:

As far as the second product in the Sneak Peek picture, it appears that the second item could be something that I have as well as it looks very, very similar...

Truth Creme Advanced Hydration
(Image edited from

On the right is the full-size jar, but on the left you can see the sample size which looks very similar to the Sneak Peek picture.

I absolutely adore Ole Henriksen, and although I have both of the products, I wouldn't mind getting some more Truth Serum! LOVE IT!

Do I have more sneak peeks for you? YES I DO! More from Ipsy's Facebook...


"Have you guessed this month's theme yet? How might this item fit in?"

Here we have our bag sneak peek! It appears to be a white bag with writing on the side, along with a maroon-pink zipper and possibly matching inside.

I also noticed this is what Ipsy's website shows for this month's look -

"This month's Glam Bag theme is made to jumpstart your creativity. We can't wait for you to find the beauty and inspiration in every piece and product."

So definitely a very artistic/artist theme!

What's that? MORE SNEAK PEEKS? Why Cookie, you spoil me....::wink::

From Ipsy's Facebook -


"Some of our subscribers will receive this super sweet product, the perfect reward for a long week of creative pursuits."

With all of my craziness these past few days, I hadn't had a chance to research myself, but thanks to Zadidoll from and the fab ladies at, it has been figured out! It is...


and the reason I'm showing all four of the hand cremes instead of just the pink one like the Sneak Peek picture shows is because Zadidoll actually communicated with Be Delectable and they informed her that they will be sending out samples in all FOUR scents! The scents are (from left to right): Vanilla & Cream, Strawberry & Cream, Coconut & Cream and Lemon & Cream. I would absolutely DIE to have one of these in my Glam Bag! They look like they smell AMAZING!

Here's what we know so far!...

  • THEME - Artistic? Museum? Artist?
  • PRODUCT COUNT - At least 5 (based off of sneak peek pics, not confirmed)
  • GLAM BAG STYLE - White with maroon-pink zipper, writing(?)
  • Everyone is Receiving:
    • Zoya Nail Polish - One of 3 colors (unconfirmed, but bottle is obvious)
    • A Big Sexy Hair Corp Product - unconfirmed 
  • Possible Items Some Will Receive:
    • Pixi Beauty Sheer Cheek Gel - unconfirmed
    • Starlooks Lip Liner (Tipsy, Tickle Me Pink) - unconfirmed but almost sure
    • Mica Beauty Mineral Eyeshadow (dark blue shade) - unconfirmed but almost sure
    • H2O Plus product - unconfirmed
    • Lotion?
    • Buxom Full-On Lip Gloss (possibly in Dolly) - unconfirmed
    • La Fresh Wipes - unconfirmed but almost sure
    • Starlooks Makeup Brush - unconfirmed
    • Wet n Wild Fergie Eyeshadow - unconfirmed but almost sure
    • Ole Henriksen Product - unconfirmed
    • Be Delectable Hand Creme - confirmed
I'll update if I hear anything! Stay tuned!
Interested in trying out Ipsy's monthly Glam Bag subscription service? For $10 a month you received 4-5 deluxe or full-size products as well as a monthly makeup bag! Please feel free to use my referral link to sign up! Just click HERE.
Happy Makeuping and Guessing!

Just a reminder! I'm having a giveaway to celebrate reaching 300 Facebook Fans as well as passing my 100th Blog Post! Enter now to win a 6 month subscription to Bondi New York's Bondi Box!

Click HERE to go to the giveaway page and enter! The giveaway ends October 8th, 2013!


  1. do you think the occ looking tube could be a korres lip butter maybe?

  2. awww drat, never mind! i see the korres tubes are colored in the top crimp and the white lettering is vertical, not horizontal :(

    1. Aw swizzlesticks! I got all excited for a moment when I saw your first comment in my emails! LOL Some of these products are tricky this month! :-) Let me know if you ever figure it out!

  3. I posted on your Facebook wall with some pics of my guesses - I used to hate spoilers but when the products are so varied and you have the "you might or might not get one or none of some of these things..." it cracks me up and it is so fun!

  4. If they do send OCC Lip Tars and I don't get one... HEADS WILL ROLL... lol. I can't wait to see today's Sneak Peek! Should be out soon!

    Also, I tagged you in my Autumn Tag post! Feel free to check it out and post about your Autumn favorites!

  5. Theyre not lip tars, theyre Pixi gel cheek tints

  6. Thanks ladies for helping me out! I have so much fun playing the guessing game with these sneak peeks :-D I've updated it, so let me know what you think! (LOL, are heads going to roll, Leigh?)

  7. Mostly I want the hand cream and the H20+! I do NOT want the lipliner or the lip gloss. But I think the bag will be a decent one regardless of what I get. I would so love the zoya in greeeeeen <3

    1. Me too! Absolutely! No lip liner (because frankly, I have both of those colors already lol) or lip gloss for me, please! But the hand cream and H2O+ sound DIVINE!
