
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Glamour Doll Eyes OTM - October 2013


Happy Halloween to everyone! It's been a while since I've done a Glamour Doll Eyes post but I was DETERMINED to do one for Halloween! Of course, GDE provided the perfect spooktacular goodies for the month of October!


This is my fabulous little trick or treat goodie bag for today ::wink wink:: So much more slimming than chocolate and candy, I assure you!

 Here is the October Of the Month eyeshadow!...


 Once again, the sparkles just don't show up as much as they do in person...but I've taken some extra pictures I'll show below that capture the gorgeous sparkly goodness!

Cauldron: Grayish Black with subtle Orange, Green & Purple sheen and Purple & Green sparkle

Safe For: Eyes, Lips, Nails, Face

(Indoors daytime with flash)

(Indoors daytime with flash, closeup)

As you can see the shimmer and sparkle is divine! The purple and green really pop out to me but there are other little shades picking up as well. 

Applying dry on the skin with no primer (2 swipes) allowed the sparkle to show a bit more, it was a teensy bit patchy, but looked beautiful smoked out. Over NYX's Jumbo Pencil in Milk it applied into a gorgeous steely gray, very pigmented and lightly sparkly. Blended was a bit trickier to work with, the sparkle was very spaced out so it wasn't as easily seen, however it was a bit patchy so I didn't particularly like this way to wear it. I did apply all of these with my fingertips, but I've learned Cauldron is better handled with a brush. It can apply a bit dark very quickly, so it's best to pick up just a little product, swirl it on the inside of the lid to spread it all over the tip of the brush, then lightly work it on the lid just a little at a time and add more as desired.


Well now it just wouldn't be Halloween without candy corn, now would it?! I'm about to say something very blasphemous to Halloween lovers....I'm not a fan of candy corn ::ducks:: Not worry! My Hubsters is! He snatched these babies up just as soon as I was done taking the picture! Haha!


Hahaha, prepare when I saw that the eyeshadow was called Cauldron, I was immediately inspired to do a favorite character of mine who LOVES cauldrons...

Queen Grimhilde (aka Evil Queen) 
from Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

For this look I applied Cauldron all over my eyelids and up all the way to slightly above my natural eyebrows, then I blended in a bright purple right on top of it but didn't lift the purple all the way up, stopping right on the bottom edge of my eyebrows. It's funny the purple I blended on the eyelid makes Cauldron above it appear to be purple tinted! I used a black liquid liner for a double wing cat-eye, and a black pencil liner to tightline my eyes as well as on the waterline. Finished with mascara and the eyes were done! I drew on my eyebrows (obviously ::giggles::), reshaped my lips with a brick colored lip liner and put a dark reddish maroon lipstick on top, followed by a bright fuschia lip crayon wiped on top of my bottom lip. 

I did do some creative editing in the photo for my eyebrows (admitting ::blushes::). Unfortunately, I don't have one of those makeup sticks that can flatten your eyebrows so you can apply concealer over it. I really barely did any editing though, as I had tried to cover them as much as I could. I applied concealer over them as well as a powder. I only lightly used a smudging tool in a photo editing software to blend what you could see into the eyeshadow. 

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Care for an apple tart? Apple juice? Apple fritter? 

Happy Makeuping! If you will excuse me...."Mirror, mirror..."



  1. wow! when I saw your finale I thought you were showing an example of it from a real movie or whatever that you were going to mimic, took me a second to realize that was YOU and your look. amazing job! you're so talented and it looks gorgeous.

    1. Ahahaha, I love it! You weren't the only one, I showed it to my boss and she had a moment of..."Who is that?". LOL Even my Hubby looked O_o

      Thank you very, very much! <3

  2. I hope you were dressing up for a Halloween party. You look incredible.

    1. Alas no! Haha, I do wish I had been! This look was totally last minute...I ordered the headpiece 3 days before Halloween on a whim and put the makeup that day! I was writing the blog post as my Hubsters and I watched Arsenic and Old Lace for our Halloween treat! :-D Although he wants me to do a full-on look next year and he'll dress up as the Huntsman!

  3. You did an amazing job. It looks fantastic and you make for a gorgeous evil queen!

  4. I love, love, love your Evil Queen look! I love her style (Snow who?) and it's always more fun to be the villain.

    1. AGREED! :-D I've played a villian in so many recitals because my instructors knew I'd have so much fun with the roles! LOL Forget Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, I want to be Maleficent and the Evil Queen! and thank you very much, btw! <3
