
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Birchbox - October 2013


Confession time...I am absolutely OBSESSED with constantly seeing what's new in the beauty world! So much so that whenever I see a new magazine at the store such as Elle, Cosmopolitan, Harper's Bazaar, Allure, Glamour, etc. I HAVE to get it. It drives my Hubby absolutely bananacakes! "Didn't you JUST buy a magazine last week?!" "Yes, well that is totally a different magazine altogether....this is new ::grin::". Teehee. 

So this month for Birchbox it's all about the Beauty you stay updated with new trends and news?


"We'll be the first to admit that the word "obsesssed" gets thrown around a lot at Birchbox HQ, but can you blame us? We spend our days researching ingredients and trends, reading your product feedback, and generally geeking out about beauty. This month we're putting all that intel to good use, with a Birchbox devoted to award winners, celeb favorites, up-and-comers - and all the other products we can't stop talking about.

Not quite up to speed on your beauty news? Worry not- this month's Birchbox Magazine includes a cheat sheet to the industry's latest buzzwords and a roundup of 2013's top products and trends. We also asked experts around the world to weigh in on what they think the next big thing will our article online to find out what they said."

Until next month,

Katia, Hayley & the Birchbox Team

Yeeeeees, love it! I still have about 6 unread magazines sitting on my bedside table that I need to get around...perhaps I need to get on that tonight, haha!

Here's what I received in my box this month!....

 A chapstick, lip stain, face cream, shampoo and conditioner

On to my review!....


Shampoo - "New to the Beauty Protector family, this sulfate-free formula adds shine and volume."

Conditioner - "Love Protect & Detangle? Use this nourishing conditioner with shea butter before spritzing."

 - from my October 2013 Birchbox card 

 I actually did receive Beauty Protector's Protect and Detangle back in my June Birchbox and I LOVED it, so I was very excited to try out their Shampoo and Conditioner! Once again, Beauty Protector didn't let me down...

Shampoo by itself - I usually only wash my hair without conditioner since my hair is so fine and it can weigh it down but I do use a light serum to keep my hair soft and healthy. The shampoo by itself actually works quite well! It lathers well on the area I applied it to, but it didn't spread as easily as I would have liked, so for future reference if you have long hair like me I'd recommend adding small amounts to different spots throughout your hair roots to tip and then work it in. Once I had it lathered I then nearly DIED with how fantastic it smelled! It smells pretty much exactly like the Protect & Detangle which is like warm vanilla extract....mmmmmmmm. It rinsed out nicely and it didn't dry out my hair at all. It also gave my hair a nice soft shine and the smell lasted...well good grief, all day, all night, through the next morning....I knooooow, right? SO FABULOUS. I also had no problems styling my hair,  it felt clean, not as dried out as with other shampoos and even when I added my serum to soften it, it was easy to work in with no major tangling. 

Shampoo and Conditioner - Paired together my hair was in heaven! This conditioner seriously works just as well if not better than some deep conditioning hair masques! RIDICULOUSLY and luxuriously soft and healthy feeling! Also very shiny and smooth! The smell has lasted for nearly 48 hours which is just crazy and oh so awesome. 

Do I recommend these? YOU BET I DO! Seriously, Hubsters is driving me crazy by sticking his nose in my hair and taking a big whiff every 10 minutes and going MMMmmmmm, yummy! Hahaha! 


"Moisturizer that protects skin and balances oil levels with a patent-pending YS3 COMPLEX." - from my October 2013 Birchbox card

I've tried out Evologie's Intensive Blemish Serum and their Stay Clear Cream in the past and out of the two the Stay Clear Cream was a better product for me. The Intensive Blemish Serum really didn't have much of an effect but the Cream did provide excellent moisturization! Unfortunately, it didn't really keep me blemish free so I'm not 100% sold on it. The first time I tried it month's ago I used it morning and night for over a week or so and....well I broke out with a few pimples. Once again I tried it upon receiving it in this box and I STILL broke out with a few pimples. It could just be my chemistry, I know friends who swear by Evologie, it just doesn't seem to work for me. I have combination skin on my face with my oily spots focusing on my T-zone and my chin, along with a random pimple or two every once in a while (nothing major) and some cystic acne that can pop up on my chin if I don't keep an eye on it. This cream does, however, make my face super soft! My skin is nice and smooth and it does last throughout the night till the next morning. If only it'd keep my acne at bay! Alas!

in Beauty Queen

"Bestselling stain that gives cheeks and lips a sheer, rosy tint." - from my October 2013 Birchbox card

So the big question I've gotten asked from many people theBalm's Stainiac to Benefit's Benetint....they're similar-ish. I love them both, so I really don't have a favorite per se, they both have their special uses. One thing I will say about Stainiac's Beauty Queen in comparison to Benetint is that it's much lighter in application, meaning it doesn't stain quite as dark, so you could easily layer it for a deeper color.

With the thick swipe you can see the gorgeous rosy-red color and with a normal swipe blended it's so soft of a tint you can barely make it out. It's very subtle, and very natural looking. You can easily add more on top to build the color though. 

Check out how well it stains though! After a couple of minutes of taking pictures, I just wiped it off with my hand and this remained! I kept rubbing and rubbing and it really didn't want to budge! I definitely like that for long-wear on cheeks and lips! It does wash off easily with some soap and water though. 

 My lips are naturally fairly pink so after adding a couple of layers of the Stainiac they were nice and rosy! You can see towards the center of my lips were it was more concentrated and had more shadowing, it looks a bit more red which I actually like! It's very natural looking for those of you who just want to keep your lips more low-key or have a I'm-not-wearing-makeup (but you are) day. The stain lasted a good 6 hours or so before needing any big touch-ups. I wore it on my cheeks as well (sorry, forgot to take a picture!) and it's gorgeous, but I have to say as a lip product it takes the cake!


in Vanilla Creme

"What's a BIRCHBOX FIND? Occasionally we come across a mass-market discoveries that are exciting, time-saving, or just generally awesome. These Birchbox Finds will always be in addition to your usual samples - never in place of them. When our gold standard for lip care - ChapStick - develops a new 8-hour moisture technology that's definitely a breakthrough worth sharing. New ChapStick Hydration Lock is clinically proven to moisturize lips, from 9-5. It also doubles as a lip primer and comes chock full of damage-defending antioxidants like CoQ10 and Vitamin E. So swipe it on - and lock that moisture down." - from Birchbox Find card in October 2013 Birchbox

Well as much as I eye-rolled upon receiving a ChapStick in my Birchbox, I did enjoy this one! It smells sooooo tasty! (What is UP with the tasty smelling goodness in my box this month! Ya think they figured out that sending bakery smelling products to Cookie would make her all happy and giggly? Yeah, I think so too! ::giggles::). It smells like a freshly baked vanilla cupcake! MMmMmmMMm! I felt a bit silly my first day using it at work, everyone that I talked to had the pleasure of me thrusting it under their noses and exclaiming: "Smell this! Does this not smell AMAZING! UGH! LOVE IT!".  ::blushes:: 

As far as it's moisturizing may just be me but I didn't notice that much of a difference compared to a typical ChapStick. Did it moisturize my lips decently enough? YES....did it last 8 hours...not really, no. HOWEVER, keep in mine my lips naturally chap and peel very easily. I exfoliate them every few days by lightly brushing them with a toothbrush and I apply a rich balm to hydrate lips just like to stay chapped! Haha! Regardless, I LOVE the smell of this and it does give good coverage and it's not at all sticky so I'll be using this often. I especially like it as a lip prep! Speaking of...

Tips & Tricks! - Before you begin your makeup routine, swipe on some chapstick or lip balm to start hydrating your lips as a prep for lipstick. After you finish applying all of your makeup (except lips), gently dab or blot off the balm or chapstick with a tissue then apply lipstick/lip liner as usual! It'll give you a smoother surface to work on, cause less peeling under the lipstick and the lipstick will lock in that hydration keeping your pucker smooth and soft throughout the day!


1) Beauty Protector's Protect & Shampoo:
  • Full-size (8 oz) - $21.95
  • The bottle I received doesn't have a size listed on it, but after comparing it to other sample bottles I have, it appears to be around 1 oz - $2.74

2) Beauty Protector's Protect & Condition:
  • Full-size (8 oz) - $21.95
  • Same as Protect & Shampoo, 1 oz - $2.74

3) Evologie Stay Clear Cream:
  • Full-size (1 fl oz) - $62
  • I received a 0.33 fl oz sample tube - $20.46

4) theBalm Cosmetics Stainiac in Beauty Queen:
  • Full-size (0.3 fl oz) - $17
  • I received a 0.04 fl oz sample tube - $2.27

5) ChapStick Hydration Lock in Vanilla Creme:
  • 1 stick - $2.99 

Total Paid for Box:  $10

Total Worth of Box:  $31.20

While I am thoroughly happy to receive three times worth what I paid...I nearly passed out seeing how much the Stay Clear Cream is worth and it's the one item I DIDN'T like in the box! All of the items I loved were less than $3 each! ::le sigh:: Well that's how it goes sometimes, doesn't it? Haha! 


I really loved this month's box! In fact it's one of the better one's I've received in quite a while! I've already decided I want to buy Beauty Protector's Shampoo and Conditioner, as well as possibly some Stainiacs to gift to friends since it seems like a great beauty product to add in a beauty gift basket/bag! I even know I'll be using up the chapstick! Four out of five loves? Definitely a fab box for me. 

So what beauty news/buzz magazines are you obsessed with? Or do you just surf websites? Or both! My favorite beauty magazine is Allure, what about you?

I hope you enjoyed this review! If you're interested in trying out Birchbox for yourself, you are more than welcome to use my referral link, just click HERE.

Happy Makeuping you little beauty buzzers! 


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