
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Positively Polished - 30 Manis Marathon #8

MANI #8 -


I hope everyone is having a FABULOUS weekend! I am absolutely ready to chill, relax, catch up on my manis and maybe read a good book! I literally JUST completed this mani as of....oh,....10 minutes ago! ::giggles:: and horror of horrors, will be taking it off in 10 minutes as well. I do apologize, I am SO behind the 30 Manis Marathon! Hopefully, I'll be able to catch up soon! 

This mani just cracks my Hubby up, he says it looks like resistors from an electric circuit! Which I thought...hmm....YES THEY DO! I totally ::ahem:: planned that....right?...RIGHT. Teehee!

Here are the polishes I used....

 From Left to Right:
  • Essie - Matte About You (matte topcoat)
  • Bondi New York - Top of the Rock
  • Bondi New York - City Slicker
  • Essie - No Place Like Chrome
  • CoverGirl - Perfect Penny
  • Sally Hansen Lustre Shine - Firefly

  *Not Shown: Bondi New York - I'm Vers (basecoat)


For this mani I used I'm Vers as a base coat, then applied two coats of Top of the Rock as my base color. I then covered the nails with two coats of Matte About You to mattify them. For the stripes I placed striping tape across the nail, varying the number of lines between either 1, 2 or 3 stripes of tape for width. Then I used one coat of the four remaining colors (City Slicker, Firefly, Perfect Penny and No Place Like Chrome) for the stripes! You could easily accomplish a very similar look using striping tape for the stripes instead of painting the stripes on, but I had my heart set on these four particular colors! I did not add a top coat because I wanted to keep Top of the Rock mattified and the stripes shiny.

Neeeeext up is RAINBOW! How exciting!

Happy Makeuping and Polishing!

Did you know I'm having a giveaway?! 

A SIX MONTH subscription to Bondi New York's Bondi Box!

Click HERE to check it out and enter, 
it ends October 9th, 2013