
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Positively Polished - 30 Manis Marathon #2


Grrrrrrr, baby! I am BACK with mani #2 of the 30 Manis Marathon! This time, the theme is ORANGE, if you couldn't quite tell...::wink wink:: If you're new to The Charming Cheshire (because chances are you ARE, seeing as how my Facebook Fan Page flew up over 100 people in the past week! Hello there! So happy to have you here, welcome, and thanks for stopping by!) then you might not know about this awesome tweaked version of the ever so popular 31 Day Nail Challenge! The 31 Day Nail Challenge is exactly what it sounds complete a new mani every day for 31 days, BUT you have to follow a theme for each day that is laid out for you! So my friend Scooby from Dynamite Does Nails and I decided that we REALLY wanted to do this challenge, hooooowever, every day was literally going to be impossible for us! We both have jobs, we both have men to put up with (I jest, I jest, I love you darlin'!), houses to keep clean, errands to run, etc, etc...SO, we tweaked the rules just a bit and created the 30 Manis Marathon! The 30 Manis Marathon is essentially the same thing, except you have 3-4 days between each mani! That way you can relax, enjoy your new nail look, post pictures on your Instagram (with our awesome hashtag 30manis2013!), Facebook or Blog about it, then leisurely work into the next mani! Here is our chart - 

If you're thinking OH NO, ::gasp::, I've already missed the first mani! Oh hush you, we don't care! PLEASE join along, we'd love to have you! We're only on the second mani, so it's no big deal...even if we were on the 15th! 

Be sure to use it when you instagram a photo of your mani! If you're not a blogger, you can still Instagram and Tweet about it, and you can also join us on in this thread: 
Back to the ORANGE nails!..... 

and here are the polishes I used! - 
From Left to Right:
OPI - Black Onyx
Nailtini - Mai Tai
Bondi New York - Chasing the Sun
OPI Liquid Sand - Jinx

I first applied Bondi New York's I'm Vers as a base coat, then I applied two coats of Chasing the Sun as my main color. I then used a small detail brush to brush on light stripes of OPI's Jinx, then Nailtini's Mai Tai and finishing up with OPI's Black Onyx. Afterwards, I used one coat of I'm Vers again as my top coat to seal. 
Mani #3 - Yellow Nails should be up probably Saturday or Sunday, so keep and eye out for it and JOIN IN the fun!

Happy Makuping Polishing!



  1. This is absolutely GORGEOUS. If I had any nail art talent I would SO join in with this. After seeing these I can't wait to see your upcoming mani's

    BTW - I tagged you for the "Beauty Blogger Confessions" tag, you can check it out here:

    1. Thank you so much and thanks for tagging me! :-D
