
Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Charming Cheshire Blog Update

Mwuah! Mwuah! Mwuah! to all of you, I wanted to pop on and let you know what all has been going on lately. I am, as of this weekend, officially on vacation for three weeks, so since this past week was the final days of Summer classes at the dance studio, I have been superdupes busy getting everything all taken care of for Summer and all set up for Fall. I'm afraid my poor little blog has been lacking. So here is some info for you to peruse with both updates and upcoming posts!


That's right! The Charming Cheshire will have a Mystery Guest Post coming up later this week, and just a heads up, it's not someone famous, and you probably have never heard of the person but I am very excited nonetheless. It will be a little different, but I know this person is highly amusing and I know you'll enjoy! More info once I get an exact date, but as I said, probably by the end of this week!


So one of my previous posts was the awesome 30 Day Ab Challenge, which I was LOVING, but ::sadness:: I pulled a muscle in my back a week or so ago (NOT from doing the challenge, from stumbling over some rocks on a path and having to twist oddly to catch myself!) so my chiropractor suggests that I take some time and let it heal before I jump back into the challenge. I will be going on a short trip later this week so after the trip is over, I will be jumping back into the challenge, starting where I left off! I know...very brave of me! I do apologize if you've been keeping up along with me. I promise I shall jump back into it with gusto and nothing shall interrupt it again! (I feel like I just jinxed it, hehe). 


I have SO many fun posts that I'm prepping for you. As of right now there are about 15 folders on my computer full of product pictures, boxes, etc. that are all being worked on and finished so I can begin posting my reviews! I still have two skin care posts, four beauty subscription boxes, a seasonal beauty box, plus Positively Polished, Fun Little Purchases, and more! I'll have one beauty subscription post up in a bit today, so check back in soon. Since I have all this week off, my plan is to get them all written up quickly that way when I'm out of town, I can just click Publish on one each day and continue blogging!

Much Love and Happy Makeuping!
Love, Cookie


  1. Sounds like a busy time plus the injury, hope the rest of august is more relaxing for you and I look forward to any posts you do manage, I understand how much work it is to update the blog and although I try to make it happen I definitely don't post as often as I mean to :)

    1. Thank you so much, you're so kind :-D It's definitely a whirlwind sometimes! LOL
