
Saturday, August 3, 2013

August REVEAL - Starlooks


Finished my review for the July Starbox just in time, because GUESS WHAT?! Well, I suppose you already know, the title DOES give it away, doesn't it? ::wink::

It's Starlook's Looks Book I-Spy time for the month of August!


"Natalie's love for makeup and fashion started as a teen, always playing with new products and trying the latest trends! Now she is a stay at home mom living in California who loves makeup and fashion! She created her YouTube channel about three years ago to connect with other makeup enthusiasts like herself and share her makeup favorites and failures through videos! Her channel has branched out into fitness and healthy living as well as makeup tutorials and product reviews. One of her favorite monthly subscriptions to review is our Starbox!

'The full size Starlooks products I receive every month have been some of my makeup must haves! I'm so excited to share my signature products and hope you enjoy them as much as I do! Connect with me and see how I use these and other Starlooks products on my YouTube channel SparklicityNo.6.' - Natalie Corona

Enjoy your August 2013 Starbox Preview!" - From

Hello mermaids!!! Eep! Who is excited?! THIS GIRL IS! So many people have been mentioning how much they'd love a mermaid theme month for any beauty subscription and I'm so happy to see Starlooks listen! I think this box is going to be positively fabulous and absolutely gorgeous! Here are the products and colors that I'm seeing....

        • Fuschia-pink lipstick
        • Blue mascara and lash tint (or eyeshadow)
        • Gold shimmer
        • Silver shimmer
        • Turquoise eyeliner
        • Eyeshadow colors:
          • green-gold
          • blue
          • purple
          • yellow

So many beautiful colors and shimmers being shown! I love the last photo especially, with the blue and purple eyes and turquoise marks on the forehead between purple lines. GORGEOUS. Isn't Natalie positively beautiful too? If you haven't checked her channel yet, you definitely should! She is such a pleasure to watch! I really want some cute little pearl earrings ::le sigh:: 

So what do you think of this month's Starbox? What do you see? I think, once again, Starlooks knocked it out of the park! ::splish splash!:: 

Happy Makeuping and Guessing!
Love, Cookie



  1. love the mermaid theme! I bet these colours will look amazing with the looks you do.

  2. Yes, a mermaid theme! I love it. The lookbook is making me excited for teals and purples!

    ☮ Melli { Casual Beauty }

    1. YES GIRL! Bring me all things TEAL AND PURPLE! ::yelps!::
