
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Positively Polished - Happy 4th of July!


Happy 4th of July everyone! Can you believe it? TWO Positively Polished posts within a week! Astonishing! Well, to be honest, I've never done a TRUE 4th of July mani, so of course, it HAD to be done...and here it it! - 

As you can tell, I was inspired by our flag, with the top left blue section and our stripes!

I'm so madly in love with this glitter top coat! It is FABULOUS!

 What I love most about this glitter is how vibrant the blue is! It just pops out at ya!

Here are the awesome polishes I used - 

From left to Right -

Horny Mistress by Bondi New York: Bright Fiery True Solid Red
Bunny by Julep: Crisp White Linen with Fine Gold Shimmer (center top)
Char by Julep: Nautical Navy Blue Creme (center bottom)
Star of the Parade by Chaos & Crocodiles: Seasonal Red White & Blue Glitter (Sold Out)

Horny Mistress' application was DIVINE. It barely needed two coats for full opaqueness. Bunny was a little more difficult (which most whites are) and as I've mentioned in a previous post, the fine gold shimmer doesn't really show at all, but I wasn't looking for that in this mani. Char is gorgeous! My first time trying it out and I love it. Both it and Bunny did need two coats to even out streaking. Star of the Parade is just amazing, I'm so glad I was able to get it before it sold out. The colors are incredibly bright and vibrant and it really pops off of all three polish shades! I sealed everything with I'm Vers clear polish from Bondi as well!

Here are the links for these polishes if you want to check them out! (Star of Parade is sold out, but be sure to check out all of their other amazing polishes) -
I hope you enjoyed, Happy Polishing & HAPPY 4th of JULY EVERYONE!

Love, Cookie


  1. Perfect nails! Totally something I would wear for the holiday. The glitter topcoat looks amazing!

    ☮ Melli { Casual Beauty }

    1. Thanks girl! That glitter is so much fun :-)

  2. So festive! Star of the Parade was a great choice!

    1. Thank you! It's SO pretty, I'm so sad it's unavailable now! I'm hoping that C&C will bring it back again for next year :-D

  3. Such a fabulous mani combo. I'm in love with the C&C special. Like you say, maybe next year.

    Speaking of love...

    Forgive me, I've been living under a rock, and just emerged.

    I love your blog!


    1. LOL thank you very much and thank you for coming by :-D
