
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Google Friend Connect Ending...


Well, I am just aghast at the ending news of the finish of Google Friend Connect. First I heard that it was going away (months ago), then I heard that it was OK and we could still keep it for followers, but NOW I'm hearing that it could possibly be completely gone at some point! Well then! In the light of such news, I have been prepping and I now have a vast variety of social media reaches that you can follow me through! I do apologize that this is time consuming since most of you have already been kind enough to follow me via GFC, however, I do appreciate your taking the time out to connect to my blog! Here are all of my subscribing sites! - 

and if you'll look to your right of this post (underneath the Facebook quick access "Like" button) you'll see my new Google+ Follow button! Any of these links will give you quicker access to connect to my blog and stay updated with The Charming Cheshire!

I hope this doesn't prove to be too annoying to resubscribe to! I've tried to look up ways to transfer my current Google Friend Connect followers to Google+ Follow and alas, it appears it cannot be done by me. 

Thank you so much for following and I hope you continue to enjoy The Charming Cheshire!

Happy Makeuping!

Love, Cookie


  1. Oh You have twitter now! I am going to follow you

  2. Replies
    1. LMAO!!! OMG, this totally made my day, right here LOL

      Especially the use of ellipsis! :-D
