
Thursday, June 13, 2013

7 Deadly Sins of Beauty - Tag Post!


The fabulous, gorgeous and delightful Erica from Diary of a Trendaholic tagged me in this exciting tell-all of what your Seven Deadly Sins of Beauty are! 

  •  Follow and link the person who tagged you!
  • Answer all questions on Greed, Wrath, Gluttony, Sloth, Pride, Lust and Envy
  • Tag as many people as you want and be sure to let them know!
  • Let the person who tagged you know by sending them a link in a comment!

 I think I can totally handle all that! Let the deadly reveal begin!

What is your most expensive beauty item?

Probably my Koh Gen Do Oriental Plants Emollient Cream. I received it in a previous Glossybox and I was hooked. It's super moisturizing without being thick and heavy and little bit goes a long way. It's enriched with 36 botanical extracts that leave your skin smooooth. Oh yeah, it also costs $123 for 1.06 oz. Yeah.

What item do you have a love/hate relationship with? 

Definitely my eyelash curler. Sometimes it curls my lashes perfectly and gorgeously with no issue whatsoever, and then there's other days where one eyelash is sticking out at the bottom and another is aimed to the right and another to the left. ::le sigh:: Brat. 

What brand takes up most of your collection?

Hehehe. If you have read my posts or know me from Makeuptalk, then you know the answer to this Coastal Scents....

  This picture consists of the 7 Go Palettes, 10 Blush Palette, Blush Too Palette, 120 Palette One, 120 Palette Two, 120 Palette Three, 42 Shimmer Blush/Eyeshadow Palette, 252 Ultimate Palette, 88 Original, 88 Ultra Shimmer, 88 Metal Mania, 88 Mirage, 88 Prism, 11 quads, two single pots and their 22 Brush set and 12 Brush set combined. It wasn't until afterwards that I realized that I left out the 120 Palette Four (which is two trays of 60 shadows each) because I had it set aside for review. I also have the 120 Palette Five on my way to me. ::grins:: Did I mention I like Coastal Scents? Here's another pic of the palettes:


Which product do you neglect the most due to laziness?

Probably my brushes. I know you're supposed to wash them often and I definitely do with my concealer brush and most used eyeshadow brushes, but I definitely need to be doing it more often! ::slaps wrist::


What gives you the most confidence?

My brightener, for sure. I use Maybelline's Age Rewind Concealer Brightener and I swipe it under my eyes (in a triangle if I need extra brightness and glow from dark circles/tired, etc.), on the center of my chin, down the bridge of my nose and from the corner of my lips and upwards (smile lines). It just adds a glow to my face, highlights it perfectly and covers up those yucky dark circles! Ack!

Which item is at the top of your beauty wish list?

 Other than having fabulous, gorgeous, voluptuous hair? I would say the Urban Decay Eyeliner Vault, but I'm pretty sure it's not going to be coming out anymore (I could be wrong though! ::crosses fingers::), and I also could say the Sephora Disney Cinderella Palette, but THAT could be gone for good also! Yeesh! So let's just go with ALL of Lime Crime's Liquid Eyeliners....SO PRETTY!

Either that or this NYX Cosmetic's Case...


Which makeup product/look is great on others but not on yourself?

Wearing eyeliner on the bottom of your eye. I just can't do it. I have TRIED. Believe me. First of all, I have melancholy eyes, they're smaller than average, closer together and down-turned on the outside, so when I put eyeliner on my bottom lash line, my eyes look more sad and more down-turned. My eyes also water A LOT from yawning or sensitivity, therefore, my eyeliner can smudge. I tend to stay away from lining the bottom essentially, which is A-OK with me most of the time. I find it better for girls with smaller eyes, down-turned eyes etc. to stick to just lining on top! It makes your eyes appear more wide-open and bright. The only liner I usually use underneath is white eyeliner for my waterline. 

And there you have it ladies, my Seven Deadly Sins of Beauty! I hope you enjoyed my tag post! Once again, you can check out Erica's tag from her amazing blog Diary of a Trendaholic here:

Now for the ladies that I'm tagging!

 Have fun girlies! and Happy (Deadly) Makeuping!
Love, Cookie


  1. Thank you so much for tagging me! I've been wanting to do this post for ages! :D


    1. LOL, your comment made me fall out of my chair laughing! HAHA! Love it! and you're welcome! Looking forward to your post. :-)

  2. Ooh, fun! I will work on this tomorrow!

    SO JEALOUS of your Coastal Scents! I have only ever had one 88 palette and I lost it and miss it. I neeeeeeed the ultra shimmer one!

    1. Yay! Can't wait to read! and I'm glad you got some palettes ;-)

  3. Thanks for the tag! Both of your lusts are on the top of my list! And that Coastal Scents collection!!!!!!

  4. How fun!

    OMG your coastal scents collection!!!!!

    Be on the lookout on Sephora - you never know what will pop up again! I got the Cinderella palette during Chic Week (I think).

    1. You have given me HOPE! YAY! ::crossing fingers:: :-D

  5. OMG when I saw those palettes I thought now here is someone who understands me LOL. Love your tag Cookie, I agree with almost everything you said especially cleaning the brushes and the eye lash curler aka torture device.

    1. We need a special eyeshadow obsession club lol

      Great minds think alike ::eyebrow wiggle:: :-D

  6. What a neat idea for a tag! I tend to shy away from using liner on the bottom of my eye as well. I wish I had bigger eyes!

    1. We need to do eye stretches LOL....get some tiny tiny little thigh-stretcher devices for eyes!....come to think of it, I'll bet there's something out there like that already! XD

      Love your blog, btw! I'm now a follower :-)

  7. Thank you for the tag! :) <3

  8. Thanks for the tag, Cookie! And OMG Coastal Scents awesomeness overload!!

    1. You're very welcome! :-D

      and yes.....I am obsessed with CS lol XD

  9. Oh, and here's the link to my post:

