
Monday, May 20, 2013

Positively Polished - Featuring Chaos & Crocodiles


Happy Monday my lovely ladies! Hope everyone had an awesome weekend, I know I did! Two dance recitals down, two more to go, but first I get to have a luxurious 4 day weekend for Memorial Day! What am I going to do? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I shall surrender myself to my couch for one whole day and recuperate (and continue catching up on my products to review!), then the Hubster and I want to take a day to view some museums, get our culture fix, so to speak, then who knows! Key word: RELAX!

Soooooo, I have a funny little story to tell all of you! I was chillaxing with my awesome friend, Abby, here at my house and we decided to do our nails. She asked where my polishes were and I said that I had put aside two polishes on the sofa table that I had been wanting to use and she could either use the same two or she was welcome to rummage through my polish boxes. She jumped up from the couch, walked around to the outside of the sofa table and said: "Well I only see one here.", so I Hmmmm'd and decided that OBVIOUSLY some little polish goblin had made off with the other and with a small little sad pout I said that I guess I'll keep this aside for a few more days because I really wanted to use them together. She took a loooong look at the single gorgeous polish she had found and said: "Yeah, you would need to use a color under this glitter (::gasp, a clue!::)". I casually replied: "Well, technically, you wouldn't HAVE to, but that's traditional, I was going to." She smiled and said: "You couldn't use this by itself!", I replied: "Yes I could." "No, you couldn't!" "Yes I could!" "No you cou-".......well you get the idea. ::giggles:: THEN she said: "Go on, I DARE you to use this polish by base coat, no top coat, nothing...this one polish."

Ahem ahem....::clears voice::......CHALLENGE ACCEPTED

(Yes, that WAS done in Barney's voice from How I Met Your Mother)

I bet you're now dying to see what you are....

I present to you CHAOS & CROCODILES' HARMONIOUS POLISH! (Clear base)
in my mani:
Needless to say, Abby was blown away and will never challenge me again! lol Hahaha, actually, afterwards she wanted me to do it to her nails, too!
Here it is in partial shade, I had so much fun just watching my friend's mouth just drop in shock. It didn't take me long to do this at all. I applied about 2-3 quick coats on the tips and about 3 coats on the ring finger. (NO base or top coat!)
Here is the gorgeous bottle:
It's made with over a hundred different glitters, in multiple colors, sizes and shapes and it's just incredible and SO versatile! You could stare at it forever and discover new glitters!
What's even more awesome is that the creator/owner of Chaos & Crocodiles, Sarey, also made this same polish, in not just a clear base edition, but a milky (sheer) base AND a white base! So you can have your pick!

LOTS OF LOVE TO CHAOS & CROCODILES! Abby is now determined to buy all of your polishes! lol
C&C has recently opened a new awesome website and you can view some of the fantastic polishes there!:
Happy Makeuping (and glitterizing!)
Love, Cookie


  1. Dang it girl! I have another lemming!! Lol great post :D

  2. LOL, you cannot escape the awesomeness of these glitters! Thanks!

  3. I REALLY love this! Awesome job - you made me feel like I NEED this polish!!

    1. Thanks Jorden! and you do ::nods and smiles:: you absolutely DO! lol

  4. So pretty. I need some nice sparkle polishes I don't care for the ones I have.

  5. Oh my goodness, this is probably the most gorgeous polish I have ever seen!!

