
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Positively Polished - Featuring Chaos & Crocodiles


Lookie lookie! Finally another Positively Polished post! As I mentioned in my previous post for Julep's Set the Stage box, my nails have taken quite a beating lately. I've been busy creating, painting and cutting different pieces of scenery/props at the dance studio I work I really haven't been wearing any polish at all! Not only that, but the nails keep breaking from all the work! Eep! So please excuse my poor cuticles and nail length!

Moving on to the fun stuff...

I placed a glorious order from Chaos & Crocodiles not too long ago and it was DIVINE!

Chaos & Crocodiles was created by the amazing Sarah Booth-Neades last summer and you would just SWOON to see the polishes she makes! They are hand-made and 3-free... made with lacquer base, micas, pigments and glitters and MY OH MY are the gorgeous! I have decided that her polishes are like can't just have one...they're too addicting.

Here is my full purchase:     

She provides adorable hand-made paper stars with each polish, that actually MATCH the polish they're made for! I kept every single one of them. I will use them for something adorable and awesome...obviously. Oh? You're wondering what that cute little bag is? FUN STUFF I tell you. It's her Mystery Grab Bag! Get a load of this cuteness -   

During the last order you had a choice to either pick a 2 polish or 3 polish Mystery Grab Bag that could possibly include current polishes, future polishes or limited editions! I ordered a two polish Mystery Grab Bag and I fell in LOVE with what I received....  

On the left is Inner Circle and on the right is Rawr!
(and yes, that is my cat behind them, he's quite nosy)
 I just adore the names of her polishes!...and speaking of fun names of her are my nails today! -
I have dubbed this mani Black Magic. I am wearing two coats of Orly FX in Black Pixel and Chaos and Crocodile's Bwahaha! glitter top coat! Yes, yes I did say Bwahaha!
I KNOW! I can't get over the awesomeness of this name! Check out how amazing the glitter is in this little bottle:     


Is that not just stunning? I love it. I only put one coat of it on too! The glitter is packed very nicely. It has three sizes of circle glitters, stars, purple neon, holographic metallic and matte glitters in a clear base. It's perfect for something fun, funky, and sassy.


That Black Magic certainly has ME in it's spell! ::wink wink::

Here is Chaos & Crocodiles' wonderful new website:

and you can also find her on facebook:

She will be doing a restock today! (May 8th) at 9:30pm EST on her website! Don't miss it!

Happy Makeuping - and Polishing!
Love, Cookie


  1. Really pretty, love the purple, I would even put that over a light purple or lavender color or a very deep dark purple. I haven't heard of this brand before.

    1. You should totally check C&C out! You will not be disappointed!

  2. Oh wow this is just gorgeous! I haven't ventured into indies yet but I might very soon :)

    1. I have found that indies can sometimes seriously have THE best glitters ever. Case in point, Chaos & Crocodiles! and thanks! <3
