
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Liebster Award!

I feel so honored and excited! I have been nominated by not just one, but TWO people to receive the Liebster Award! Thank you so very much ladies! Their blogs are just fantastic, be sure to check them:

Dynamite Does Nails

Dollface Beauty

The Liebster Award is a cute honor given to up and coming fun blogs that have less than 200 followers as a way get their name out there and share some awesome blogs that you may have stumbled upon. Here is what it entails:

  • Each blogger posts 11 random facts about themselves
  • Each blogger answers the questions the tagger has set for you
  •  Then you pick 11 new winners of the Liebster Award and link to them in your post
  • Pick 11 new questions to ask the new chosen winners
  •  Go to the new blog winner's pages and tell them about their award
  • No tag-backs

How fun! Alrighty, here are 11 random facts about myself:

1)  I have had over 10 nicknames in my life, 1 in particular was given to me in college and by the time my freshman year was over, only a hand-full of people actually knew my real name!

2) I am so tall. Really, I'm Amazon woman.

3) I ADORE hot and spicy food...seriously, the spicier the better. Like thai food..mmmm. 

4) I was adopted as a baby! 

5) I'm Irish/Cherokee (and referring to my wonderful family that adopted me....honorary Mexican! lol)

6) I started training to be a ballet instructor when I was 11...I knew what I wanted to be!

7) I met my hubby on! I feel like I should contact them and become a spokesperson lol <3 We've been together for 7 years

8) I'm terrified of heights and just love rollercoasters....makes no sense whatsoever...

9) I'm about to blow your mind with this one, you ready? I'm mostly Irish, and when I was adopted, my name was changed. I COMPLETELY fit the profile of my sign in the Celtic Zodiac...which also just so happens to be my name. (The one it was changed to). I KNOW RIGHT?! 

10) If a dessert isn't at least 78% chocolate, I just can't eat it....yes, 78%,...I've run seriously....well, do visual tests count? How about taste tests? 

11) I'm a Texas gal, but I hate country music, don't like the rodeo, don't drive a truck and don't own boots or a cowboy hat. Crazy, I know. Unheard of lol


1) Why did you decide to start blogging? I was told by quite a few people that I should start one. Apparently, I'm amusing, who knew lol I finally decided, sure why not, and now I just adore it! I hope everyone is enjoying it as well!

2) Have you ever tripped and fallen in public? Haha, yes ONCE, and it was quite a story. When I was in college, I was coming out of the bookstore and there was 4 steps that led up to the center of the lounge area of the main center. It had been raining, so my foot slipped on the 2nd step, I fell flat on my face, about 7 books and papers went flying everywhere...and to top it off, there entire football team was sitting about 30 feet away on the couches. Yup, they saw. So what did I do? I jumped up and very dramatically gave them a huge flarish ballet curtsy and said: "Thank you! Thank you!". Yes, yes I received

3) What was your first pet? Pretty little short-hair cat that was orange and white. I couldn't decide what to name her, so I decided "Hm...white and orange? Angel-Pumpkin!" Well, I was 6! ::sticks tongue out:: 

4) Favorite movie? Oh my, so many! Probably Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World! Or Tron! 

5) What is the most expensive beauty item you have splurged on? Well it WAS going to be the Urban Decay 24/7 Eyeliner Vault ($295!), but it sold out about 15 minutes before I was going to buy it! So currently, probably the Clarisonic Mia 2 ($150) Totally worth it!

6) Would you eat something totally gross for a Million Dollars? Depends on how big it is and how much of it I have to eat! lol A few bites, sure...a full meal of grossness, maaaaaybe. A million is hard to turn down. Plus with some of the money, I'll just see a good dentist, maybe a doctor to pump my stomach lol

7) Where would you build your dream house? Ireland! I love the green hills, moors, cool, windy weather, etc. <3

8) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Probably go back to my old weight. (I know, cliche girl answer), but I gained a lot within about a year and a half from medical problems. Either that or be about an inch or two shorter. Noooo, I like my height, it's not that, I just hate not being able to try on jeans/pants anywhere I shop, I have to do specialty shopping! lol

9) Were you bullied or picked on in school? Haha, no...I was homeschooled! Unless you count one of my cats....oh yes...she sat on my homework. Mean ol' bully! 

10) What is your favorite flower? Coral colored roses

11) Do you play a sport? When I was young, I used to play tennis, but I've been a ballet dancer since I was 8, which I consider to be an art, not a sport.


 1) What is the one goal that you have for yourself? Stay healthy, get fit again! Is that two? lol

2) Who is your makeup and/or fashion icon? Do they have to still be living? If not, it's a tie between the Hepburns. If they must be current, then Adele. I think she's stunning with her retro volume hair and classic makeup. She's modernly retro AND talented!

3) What is your favorite accessory? I adore rings. I have so many rings. In SO many colors!   

4) What is your favorite skincare item? My Clarisonic Mia 2!

5) Name your holy grail makeup item: L'Oreal's Magic BB Cream. It seriously is magic...I know it's a cheaper product, but I just could not live without this product!

6) If you follow trends, what has been your favorite trend of the year so far? Bright, colorful cat-eyes! I don't shy away from color, so I just love seeing these bright eyeliners coming out!

7) If you could time-travel, what decade would you chose to go back to? 50's! I'd love to put on a some rolled up jeans, a bright button down shirt with the collar popped and sleeves rolled up to below the elbows, hair curled and fluffed, black flats...and hop up to a burger joint and order a chocolate milkshake! (Jukebox included of course)

8) If you could, what influential person (dead or alive) would you like to meet? Edith Head. I know you're is she influential? She's a costume designer? Without her, you wouldn't know such great actresses for their style and design from film! Big stars like Audrey Hepburn, Bette Davis, Shirley MacLaine, Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor...the list goes on!

9) What is your favorite color? Black <3

10) If you celebrate Halloween, what do you want to dress up as this year? Haven't really thought about it yet lol, but I've been dying to be Cleopatra some year!

11) How and why did you first start blogging? See above! ::wink::

Well there you have my answers! Hope they weren't too boring, and amused ya'll a bit! Now for my Award nominees! - 

Whimsical Adventures of a Magical Mom         

FiveTwo Certified     

& A Girl From Class To Touch 

Beauty Madness  

I Sold The World



Spoiled Boxes 

Pretty Things *(I don't know how many followers you have, I'm sure more than 200 but you're awesome, so there!) 

Rouge Required  

My questions for all of you are:

1) Are you a polish lover, or a makeup lover? (Only pick one!)
2) What is the one beauty product you cannot live without?
3) Name your signature drink
4) What beauty trend (in the past year) do you think was totally ridiculous?
5) What would you say your beauty style is closest to? Classic, Trendy, Edgy or Boho?
6) Best moment in your life? (Other than receiving the Liebster Award obviously!)
7) Most surprisingly awesome beauty product you've ever tried?
8) What song would you say is the theme song of your life?
9) What movie would you love to just step into and why?
10) If you had $500 to spend on beauty products, what would you get?
11) What awesome beauty product do you wish you could invent?

Happy makeuping! and thank you again Dynamite Does Nails and Dollface Beauty!

Love, Cookie


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I had a lot of fun answering them! :-D

  2. And here are the questions posed to me from The Charming Chesire (and my answers)

    1) Are you a polish lover, or a makeup lover? (Only pick one!)

    Ouch! Okay...polish. But that is SUCH and unfair question.

    2) What is the one beauty product you cannot live without?

    Blush. It does more to brighten my face and make me look healthy than any other. I was on the fence between Mascara and Blush, but Blush sucker-punched Mascara for the win.

    3) Name your signature drink

    The Scarlett O'Hara. Southern comfort and cranberry juice.

    4) What beauty trend (in the past year) do you think was totally ridiculous?

    Nude nail polish for the purpose of making your fingers appear longer. Just so weird.

    5) What would you say your beauty style is closest to? Classic, Trendy, Edgy or Boho?


    6) Best moment in your life? (Other than receiving the Liebster Award obviously!)

    Graduating :-)

    7) Most surprisingly awesome beauty product you've ever tried?

    There have been quite a few. Hmm..Luxurious Ayurveda Oil from Forest Essentials I think was the biggest surprise. It makes my skin SO soft and keeps it that way. And I LOVE the smell!

    8) What song would you say is the theme song of your life?

    Hehe..."Hello World" (the theme from the Saddle Club.)

    9) What movie would you love to just step into and why?

    Gone with the Wind when they were having the barbeque at Twelve Oaks. Everything was so pretty. And I could have overheard the chatter taking place in the library.

    10) If you had $500 to spend on beauty products, what would you get?

    Yeesh. Probably one of those airbrush kits to see how they work and maybe some more beauty subs or ingredients to make some facial masks.

    11) What awesome beauty product do you wish you could invent?

    An airbrush kit where you select the look you want from the screen and it does it for you :-)

    1. Great answers! Be sure to post about it in your blog as well, so all your readers can see :-D

    2. I have it posted now! AND I nominated you back! HA! Now you have to answer my (not really that tricky) questions!

  3. Hi there!

    It took me forever, but I finally answered all of the questions :) Thanks again for the nomination!! You can read my answers by clicking here.

