
Friday, March 29, 2013

Glossybox - March 2013


 Hooray, Glossybox has arrived! As, a matter of fact, mine came a couple of days ago, but I've been so incredibly busy, I'm just now getting to it...I apologize ::blush::

Back in January, there was a lot of hub-bub regarding late shipping, customer service, etc...but I have to say, I think Glossybox has really stepped it up in the past month or two! I actually prefer it that they ship the 3rd week, that way I have some subs at the beginning of the month and some at the end! I wish I could somehow space them out so I'd get one every week. I must write these needs must be catered, OBVIOUSLY. I jest, I jest!

Winter is finally floating away and Spring is upon us! So for this month's theme, they've jumped into Spring Fling! Here is my box:

 This is going to be the strangest comment I'll ever make...and SO unlike me...the box is a little dark for Spring, isn't it? It's beyond me why I said anything of the sort, my favorite color is BLACK, so I actually, absolutely adore the coloration of this box...but it had to be said, apparently! My particular box contains a soap, cheek/lip tint, hairspray, eyeliner and cream, as well as a generous gift certificate of $40 OFF ANY PRODUCT for the brand Prestiche, which is a fresh, healthy body shop with soaps, creams, scrubs, etc. 

 Here is their Glossy Mag for this month, they seem to be very serious about boosting the quality of their mini magazine. In all of their surveys, there seem to be questions regarding the quality, print type, layout etc. I have, indeed, noticed a change from the past few months. It's fairly informative, but honestly, I get so excited about the products in the box, trying them out, etc, I end up just putting the magazine down somewhere and sometimes completely forgetting about it for daaaaays. Eventually, I'll quickly flip through it though.

Ok, I know you want to see the products! Enough chit-chatting...let's get to it!


 Obsessed, OBSESSED I SAY, with this fantastic pencil! When I first received it, I thought: "Oh, another grey...well drat, I have one already." Then I swatched is NOTHING like what I currently have! It goes on so amazingly smooth and I had no idea from just looking at the pencil itself, but there are silver shimmering sparkles in it!
Isn't that gorgeous? You can make it super thin, or build it up and look how there is absolutely no drag. ANOTHER fantastic factor is: It's waterproof! I washed my hands several times and it was still there! However, it is easily wiped off with makeup wipes! I think this pencil is definitely going to the top of my Immediately-Reaching-For section in my makeup kits. Plus, it's Spring! It's always a great fresh change to switch from basic black to grey, navy or brown for a softer eye. 

ITEM 2 - PRESTICHE SOAP BAR in Green Machine

  I'll probably never be excited for soap. This is going to sound so snotty, but I'm just so darn particular about my scents. This bar is eucalyptus scented along with various oils and shea butter and I'm sure it feels amazing on your skin, but the smell is just not my type. Plus, in my house I have soap pumps for hands and body washes for showers, so I don't even use hand soaps. My mother will absolutely adore this though, so I will be gifting this to her! This is the ONE and ONLY item in the box I was meh about. I do realize, though, that this is a beauty subscription and that soaps are big possibilities within several boxes. Hopefully, at some point, they might include fruity or bakery smelling ones though! 


I'm somewhat on the fence with this product. I've tried better, but I've always tried worse. It really surprised me, because usually I adore Sebastian products. The main thing that I winced at was the smell...I know, I know, it's hairspray, but I've smelled some fairly nice ones and even some that don't really have any scent at all, but this scent was strong and a tad bitter. As far as the hold, maybe I didn't spray quite enough, but given the fact that the name states Ultra Firm, I kind of expected more. However, it didn't leave my hair crunchy or wet, which is always a good scoring point! I'll be keeping this item to store in my emergency beauty kit, but I probably won't be buying it for daily use. Hands-down, the BEST hairspray I have ever found is Big Sexy Hair's Spray and Play Harder! It smells great, non-crunchy, holds amazingly and lasts for hours.


I cannot SWOON enough over this little jar of terrificness! First things, first...a little goes a LOOOONG way! So start with just a teensy weensy little dab and add as needed. I tried this product all over my face and it felt incredible. Smooth, soft, not oily and very well hydrated and moisturized. Oddly enough, with it's name, I felt sure that it would have an interesting odor, but as many times as I smell it (visual seems so crazy!) I can't smell a thing! So this product is absolutely perfect for a large majority of people that need a good moisturizer without the fragrance! DEFINITELY highly recommend trying this out!


What an interesting little product! I've noticed there's a lot of hype with tints at this time, and this one is a little tricky, but when used properly, it's gorgeous! One thing you have to be careful with is that since it IS a tint, it'll stain fairly quickly, so you have to work pretty quick to obtain the flush you want. I'd be sure to keep some makeup wipes in your purse if you're going to carry this product with you, since it can leave coloration on your fingers from application. It also can be layered for a deeper rosie flush. Facial Note: For those of you with rosacea (which I have as well!), this product might be a little tricky. You really don't want to blend it over your rosacea patches. Most people, like myself, tend to get rosacea on the nose and/or inner cheek, so I'd recommend dabbing this product on high outer cheekbone and slightly up towards the direction of the temples. This will actually accentuate your flush in a completely different area from your rosacea and will help balance your face. Use a good concealer/foundation/tinted moisturizer over your natural redness and you will be good to go!

Swatches! - 

I know it looks kinda strange in circles on my arm, but I wanted everyone to see the even application. The smaller circle on the right was just one dot that I spread around in a circular motion and the larger circle on the left was about three dots. I was impressed that there was no patchiness, however, I'd recommend using a brush to apply this product. One of the best ways to apply a tint, that I've seen is by using a mixing palette ring like this:

 I've tried to find a good one online for a good price, but the best one I've seen in the US so far is about $10, but it's currently sold out. I'd actually just try to make one! Buy yourself a cheap wider flat ring and hot glue or superglue a 1.5 - 2" (even larger if you want!) flat piece of metal on it which you could probably easily find at a hardware store or even maybe a crafts store! Then all you'd do is squeeze a small amount of the product in the center and swirl your brush in it to spread it until you have the amount you want on your brush and brush away! 


Visited all the product's websites and here's what I found!

Elite Paris Eye Pencil: $14 (full-size) 
*(It appears that this product is only available for purchase on Glossybox's website currently! The actually company does not sell in US yet!)

Prestiche Soap Bar: $17.99 (full-size) 
*(Prestiche's website lists it for $17.99, but Glossybox is selling it for $16.99!) 

Sebastian Hairspray: Fullsize product is $17 (10.6 oz), I received a 1.5 oz can which is roughly $2.41
*(It seems to order on Sebastian's website, you have to create an account and use P&G Salon Pro Web Shop to place an order. Hrm, as for me, if I were to purchase this product, I'd either just buy it at an Ulta or purchase on Amazon!)

Koh Gen Do Cream:  Fullsize product is....::gulp::...$123 (1.06oz), I received 0.28 oz, so that's about $32.50! Excuse me while I sit stunned for a moment......::clutches little Koh Gen Do to self very protectively::

ModelCo Cheek + Lip Tint: $24 (full-size)

Total Worth of Box: $90.90

::IN SHOCK::....see, THIS is why Glossybox is amazing! People may complain about their customer service or late-month shipping..but honestly, how can you with this type of box?! They certainly deliver with product and worth! Bravo, Glossybox!


Time for a little product trial! I applied my Koh Gen Do cream after washing my face and before putting on my makeup....heaven...then I used the eyeliner, lightly tinted my cheeks and lips and used the Sebastian hairspray to hold and set my hairstyle....and here we go!

To me, this box was incredible, and definitely one of my favs of theirs so far. If you received this month's Glossybox, I hope you enjoyed it as well, including some of the variations. Let me know if you loved their products too and I hope you enjoyed this review!

Happy Makeuping, girlies!
Love, Cookie <3


  1. We are box twins except I got the Rose soap which smells really good! Great reviews I agree with it all. I can't believe it's worth $90!

  2. This box does look better! I had unsubscribed last month, and I'm not devastated that i didn't get this one, but if the next box or two look this good, I may resub! :)
